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7 Easy & Unusual Tips for Finding Confidence in Your Forties

Turning forty can feel like a major milestone, and you might find yourself searching for ways to boost your confidence during this exciting chapter of life. It’s time to embrace who you are and try out some new things. So, here are seven easy but somewhat unusual tips that’ll help you find that inner spark and feel great about yourself as you steward your fabulous forties.

woman stretching after a run

A New Hobby

When you say yes to a new hobby, it can truly work wonders for your confidence. Trying something completely out of your comfort zone, like learning to play an instrument, writing a book, or taking a dance class, adds excitement and brings about personal growth. What is more, when you engage in creative activities, it can improve your mood and overall sense of well-being. And… it gives you a chance to meet new people who share your interests. So whether you want to strum a guitar or bust out some dance moves, take the leap and dive into something new. You may surprise yourself with how much fun it can be.

Bold Colors

When it comes to your wardrobe, wearing bold colors can help elevate your mood and confidence instantly. If you have always stuck with black or neutral tones, start experimenting with vibrant colors you haven’t tried before.

It turns out, wearing brighter colors positively affects how people perceive you, which can lead to compliments from others and, in turn, make you feel more confident. So go ahead and rock those fiery reds, electric blues, or sunny yellows. 

A Personal Mantra

Think of a unique affirmation that resonates with you, and repeat it daily. This could be something like, “I am confident and capable” or “I embrace challenges with open arms.” According to a study published in the journal “Psychological Science,” self-affirmations can help improve your self-image and overall confidence. When you take the time to remind yourself of your strengths, you set a positive mindset for the day ahead. It’s a simple yet effective way to shift your perspective.

Say Yes to a Mommy Makeover

If you feel like your appearance could use a little boost, considering cosmetic procedures, can be perfectly okay. Mommy makeovers are some of the most popular out there as they can include a tummy tuck, breast lift, and even liposuction. So if you want to feel more like yourself, don’t hesitate to explore this option because you deserve to feel great in your own skin. These procedures are a lot more common than you think and can be a great confidence booster.

Unplug Regularly

Schedule some tech-free time to disconnect from social media and all those digital distractions. Allow yourself to focus on self-reflection and personal growth without the noise of the online world. The reason why this is so important (at any age really) is because when you take a break, you can clear your mind, rediscover what matters to you, and come back rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.

A Meetup Group

Look for a local group that aligns with your interests or passions. Whether it’s hiking, painting, or even learning a new language, you will meet like-minded individuals who can motivate and inspire you. Engaging with others in a supportive environment can build your confidence and help you develop new friendships that enrich your life.

woman smiling in office

Challenge Your Comfort Zone

Set small, achievable challenges for yourself, like speaking in public or trying a new fitness class. Progressive challenges create opportunities for growth and personal development. In other words, when you face fears it helps reduce anxiety and build resilience over time. So, step outside your normal routine and take on these new challenges. Each small victory can lead to a more confident, empowered you.

As you step into your forties, keep in mind that confidence does not have to fade with age; and with these steps, you will discover newfound confidence that will guide you through this exciting decade of your life.


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