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7 Healthy Habits to Set a Good Example for Your Child

Your little ones will emulate everything you do when they reach a certain age. When they start copying your habits it becomes clear how they view you through their little eyes. They might say something that sounds exactly like you, or start taking an interest in an activity you do regularly. From a very young age, you need to help your child to form healthy habits so that they have everything they need to succeed in life.

mother and daughter on roller skates

As a high-achieving parent, you will always do everything in your power to provide your child with the best start in life. This includes setting a good example around the home with regards to healthy eating, exercise, taking care of yourself and committing to positive routines and regimens. With this in mind, here are seven healthy habits that you can adopt right now which will help to set a good example for your child.

1. Exercise Regularly

When you make exercise a priority during the day, your kids will pick up on this. Getting up early and heading to a workout class may seem like a chore at the time, but it will slowly and surely impact your children’s mindset when it comes to doing regular exercise. Soon enough they will want to join you for your morning class!

2. Stay off Social Media

Scrolling on social media all day long isn’t good for your mental health, and it doesn’t set a good example for your children either. If you want to do something productive on your phone why not do a crossword or challenging puzzles such as mahjong instead? This type of activity on your device is much more productive and it will encourage your children to explore these types of games on their electronic devices too.

3. Journaling

woman outdoors writing in a notebook

You are never too young to start journaling, especially if you want to build a solid foundation for your mental health. If your children see you writing in a journal or following, it’s likely that they will take an interest in it for themselves and want to give it a try! Don’t treat it like a formal writing assignment, but rather just let your thoughts flow and empty your head every morning or night to feel more at peace.

4. Eat a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

It is highly likely that your children eat what you eat and have a similar diet to you. Prioritizing healthy foods and nutritious meals in your household will show your children what it means to live a balanced lifestyle. Obviously, you shouldn’t deny them the occasional sweet treat; everybody deserves to enjoy chocolate or a cookie every now and again!

5. Random Acts of Kindness

woman giving gift to elderly man

When you’re out and about with your children, it’s important to show them how important it is to be kind. Opening up the door for someone or carrying an elderly person’s shopping for them can set a brilliant example and show them how to become a trusting and kind member of society. Instilling these values in your child from a very young age will help them to mold into fine adolescents with positive outlooks on life.

6. Hard Work and Career Ambition

When it comes to balancing your role as a mother with a career, there is so much you can do to set a good example for your children. Showing them what you’re doing to grow a small business at home or prepare for an interview for your dream job will set an amazing example for them. Show your children that they can achieve everything they want and more by putting in the hard work and dedication behind the scenes.

7. Good Sleep Hygiene

If you’re the type of person who stays up too late this is eventually going to rub off on your children. Showing them how to practice good sleep hygiene, enjoy a healthy nighttime routine and go to sleep at a reasonable time will have such a positive impact on their overall mental and physical health for the long haul.

As you can see, some of these ideas will be very easy to implement around your household. Whether you’re steering clear from social media in front of your children, or you’re actively showing them what it takes to have a successful career, your little ones will see everything you do and feel positively impacted by this. Start making small, but simple changes today and you will soon see that your conscientious efforts help to shape your child into a healthy, happy, and kind individual.


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