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10 Must-Have Cleaning Supplies Every Homeowner Needs

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Buying the right cleaning supplies and following a cleaning schedule is not the most exciting part of being a homeowner. However, a good deep clean and proper sanitization is necessary for your health as well as to keep your house looking neat and tidy. Whether you follow a specific cleaning schedule or need to know what the right cleaning methods are, the following cleaning supplies are ones that belong in every home. That’s why in this article, we’re sharing the details surrounding ten must-have cleaning supplies every homeowner needs. By the time you finish reading, you’ll know the right cleaning methods for your home and be able to form a solid cleaning schedule so you can stay on top of everything and your home is always guest-ready. So, let’s dive into our ten must-have cleaning supplies every homeowner needs.

1. All-Purpose Cleaner

The cleaning aisle at the supermarket can feel overwhelming. There are many options, and how do you know which one is right for what you are cleaning? Even the right cleaning methods require the right cleaning solution. Keeping an all-purpose cleaner on hand is essential for homeowners. It’s a simple, go-to way of cleaning nearly all the surfaces in your home. For surfaces like stainless steel or glass, you may need a different solution, but an excellent all-purpose cleaner can take care of the majority of the home surfaces. There are a variety of DIY cleaners you can make as well if you’re looking for more green cleaning.

Simple All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe:


  • One cup of white vinegar
  • One cup water
  • One tablespoon of baking soda
  • 10-20 drops of essential oil (e.g., lavender, lemon, tea tree, or eucalyptus)


  • In a spray bottle, mix the vinegar and water together.
  • Add the baking soda slowly, as it may cause some fizz.
  • Once the fizz subsides, add the essential oil.
  • Shake well before use. This solution is great for general cleaning on countertops, glass, and surfaces.
using a broom and a dustpan

2. Broom & Dustpan

A broom and dustpan are necessary cleaning supplies for homeowners. They are quite versatile and can be used in various rooms and outdoors. A broom and dustpan are the right cleaning methods for dry ingredient spills, pebbles, sand, debris, and more. Even if you use a cleaning service like, a broom and dustpan are handy cleaning tools that you’ll find helpful on a daily basis. Furthermore, they’re perfect for corners, stairs, and even sweeping debris off of the patio or deck. Look for a rubber dustpan that will make it easier to grip the floor and stay put while you sweep the debris into it.

3. Duster

A multipurpose duster is a helpful cleaning tool for all homeowners. For extra high places, an extendable reaching duster can help clean dust from hard-to-reach places. Look for a duster that has a movable head and extendable arm and is either easy to clean or swap out for a new cleaning head. A duster is great for things like blinds, above the kitchen cupboards, behind the TV, and above door frames. Keeping your home free of excess dust will improve indoor air quality and aesthetics.

pink gloved hands cleaning a windowsill

4. Cleaning Cloths

Microfiber cleaning cloths are ideal for regular house cleaning for many reasons. They’re soft and gentle on home surfaces while still effectively trapping dust and dirt. In addition, they’re typically quite affordable and versatile. Cleaning cloths can be used over and over, making them cost-efficient and a worthwhile investment to add to your cleaning schedule. Cleaning cloths can be used for dishes, counters, floors, door handles, and much more.

5. Rubber Gloves

Cleaning solutions, chemicals, and good ol’ elbow grease can be rugged on the hands. This is why rubber gloves are a must-have cleaning supply for every homeowner. Rubber gloves protect the hands, wrists, and some of the forearms from friction from scrubbing and the solutions. Using rubber gloves with a textured surface can help maintain a good hold on tools and surfaces without slipping, as well as protect your skin.

6. Sponges & Scrubbers

Sponges and scrubbers are available in a variety of textures and levels of abrasiveness. They can be convenient for cleaning dishes with baked-on food or floors with tough-to-remove stains. Scrubbers can be great for pans, casserole dishes, floors, vanities, and more. Make sure to either label your sponges and scrubbers or store them in separate locations, as you want to avoid cleaning your dishes with the one you use for the floor!

7. Mildew Remover

Mildew is a gross part of cleaning the home, and having a good mildew remover on hand is a must for every homeowner. Mildew is a type of mold that thrives in some conditions of a house. Mildew likes humid, damp environments like the bathroom and kitchen. In addition to looking yucky, it also brings some unpleasant health effects. Regular cleaning of mildew will improve the homes’ aesthetic as well as leave surfaces clean and safe.

8. Mop & Bucket

A mop and bucket are the backbones of your cleaning schedule. A mop head is specifically designed to be absorbent and in the right shape to get into all the cracks and corners. Cleaning with a mop and bucket is a solid way to scrub away dirt, grime, germs, and allergens. Mop heads are great for all floor surfaces like tile, hardwood, ceramic, and linoleum. 

9. Toilet Brush

While a toilet brush might seem minuscule compared to other cleaning essentials, it’s actually very important. A toilet brush helps to keep the toilet clean, sanitary, and free of odors. It has bristles in the right spots to reach the more challenging areas, and when used with a toilet bowl cleaner, it can help keep your bathroom fresh and sanitary.

10. Dish Towels

Dish towels are another important and versatile cleaning supply that every homeowner needs. Not only can they be used to dry dishes, but also counters, taps, sinks, and spills. In addition, dish towels are fantastic because they can be washed and used again and again. They are an environmentally friendly way of wiping things up. 

vacuuming wooden floors

Bonus Supplies for Your Cleaning Schedule:

  • Squeegee – great for shower doors, windows, and floors.
  • Vacuum – perfect for rugs, crumbs, and vents.
  • Scrub brush – ideal for more challenging cleaning things like casserole dishes, carpet stains, etc.
  • Spray bottle – good for mixing your own cleaning solutions.
  • Air freshener – gives the air a lovely fresh scent.

Final Thoughts

Keeping a clean and tidy home might seem impossible. Between the cracks, creases, and crevices, how can someone possibly keep up? These must-have cleaning supplies support the right cleaning methods and a solid cleaning schedule. Using these supplies will help ensure that your home is clean, tidy, and aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, these cleaning essentials will also keep your home free of odors, germs, and any dirt and grime trying to hide away. To recap, the cleaning essentials for every homeowner are a multipurpose cleaner, broom and dustpan, duster, cleaning cloths, rubber gloves, sponges and scrubbers, mildew remover, mop and bucket, toilet brush, and dish towels. With these cleaning essentials, you can ensure that your home stays germ-free and odor-free. It will be sparkling and guest-ready.


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