Whether we like to admit it or not, children these days are practically glued to their cell phones (or any other device for that matter). They are either playing games, or they are on the internet. Whatever the situation may be, the truth is that most of them spend a lot of time inside.
Being constantly indoors is very bad for both their mental and physical health. One of the best ways to encourage them to go outside is with a trampoline. It’s a great way for kids to get some exercise, but jumping is just part of the fun! There are plenty of fun games to be played on this bouncy play area, too.
If you already have a trampoline or are thinking about getting one, here are some fun games to look forward to. Remember, safety is key. A trampoline with a safety net and foam covering the springs can help prevent a lot of injuries.

Hot Potato
Here’s an activity that’s ideal for smaller children that’ll make the trampoline the favorite of the kids backyard toys. It’s a traditional childhood game, but playing it while bouncing up and down makes it all the more fun.
You’ll need some music (or someone to sing) and a “potato,” which can be a ball, a bean bag, or something similar. The jumpers will continue hopping around, passing the “potato” back and forth to each other. The person who has the potato when the music stops is out. The last person to remain standing is the winner!
Dodge the Lava
This is a game for more than just one child. The point is to gather a group of kids on a trampoline and then place a couple of soft items, like squishy balls in the middle of the trampoline.
All kids should create a circle. Once you yell start, all of them should start jumping. As soon as they begin bouncing, all the soft items you added to the trampoline will start bouncing, too. However, since they are “lava”, they should try to avoid letting the items touch them.
If somebody gets tagged by one of the objects, they are forced to “lay low” until somebody high-fives them and brings them back to life.
Monkey In The Middle
Those of you who played this game as kids, probably remember that it was played on solid ground. Although you can still do that, it’s so much more amusing to replace the solid ground with a trampoline.
For this game, you don’t need many props. All you need is a stuffed animal or a ball and over three players. For starters, you need to select one player to stand in the middle and pretend to be the “monkey.”
The others will then stand around this person and toss the stuffed animals/ball to other players while making sure that the monkey doesn’t take that item. Once the monkey catches the toy, the player who threw it last now becomes a monkey.
Who would have ever thought that a simple trampoline could provide so much entertainment? And to think that today, we only gave you a few ideas out of hundreds. Unbelievable!