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3 Tips for Keeping On Top of Your Home Maintenance

dusting a light fixture in front of a mirror

Lets face it, home maintenance isn’t the funnest thing to do in the world and because of this, it’s often forgotten or put to the back of your mind. It’s the case for a lot of people, that they intended to do their monthly maintenance jobs, but delay them and end up forgetting to do them. 

A lot of the time it’s ok to put off doing a couple of the jobs, but if put off too much, this can then cause your home to look untidy and damages could occur, due to neglect. A good example is your gutter, if you don’t look after it, it could end up overflowing and causing a leak, then you may need to get a top rated plumber to come in and fix it. 

There are several jobs that you can do on a regular basis such as checking your gutters, trimming your trees, checking your fire alarms and checking for any water leaks. Some of these tasks should be done monthly, others every couple of months. 

Below we look at three ways to keep on top of your home maintenance. 

Set calendar reminders 

The simplest way to keep on top of your maintenance jobs is to set reminders in your calendar. Write down a list of all the tasks you need to do and then decide how many times a year you need to do them. Some will be weekly, some monthly, some every other month or every six months (like checking your roof tiles). Once you know, write them down in your calendar and set a reminder to come up on your phone, this way, you know you have to do that task when you get home that day. 

Delegate tasks with the people you live with 

It’s not fun having to do everything by yourself. If you have too many tasks to do, this is most likely why they don’t get done, as you put them off. If you live with house mates, your family or a loved one, try to delegate the home maintenance tasks between you. By splitting them between you all, it makes getting them all done a lot easier and it means it doesn’t all fall on your head. There are some maintenance tasks that you can get your kids to do which will help teach them responsibilities. 

Outsourcing tasks 

There are some home maintenance tasks which you could outsource to an external company to do. This may cost you, but some tasks are harder to do than others and it’s nice not having to do some of them. For example, a lot of people pay for a window cleaner to come in and clean their windows. You can also pay for a gardener to look after your backyard.

What methods do you use to keep on top of your home maintenance? Have you tried any of the above methods? Is there anything missing in our guide that you think we should be adding? Let us know in the comment box below, we look forward to hearing from you. 


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