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6 Life Events That Should Trigger a Financial Review

Experiencing major life events can significantly impact your financial situation, requiring a thorough review to ensure stability and growth. Understanding when to reevaluate your finances is important for future success. From marriage to unexpected windfalls, each event poses its own set of challenges and opportunities. Recognizing these pivotal moments will prepare you to adapt and secure your financial well-being in the long run.

couple with clipboard and phone examining their finances

Getting Married

Getting married is a significant life event that triggers a financial review because you’re merging financial lives. The experts from Everly Life explain how couples should consider combining incomes, managing joint expenses, and tackling shared financial goals. It’s important to talk regularly and align budgeting, saving, and spending habits to prevent future conflicts. Also, reviewing each partner’s debts and credit scores is a good idea to create an effective plan for debt management. 

Creating a joint emergency fund and retirement strategy helps ensure your long-term security. Couples should update beneficiaries on insurance policies and financial accounts to reflect their spouses. Essentially, open communication and careful planning form the foundation for a financially stable marriage.

Buying a Home

Buying a home is a huge life event that requires a financial review due to its significant impact on your financial health and future. The process involves a substantial amount of spending, including down payments, closing costs, and ongoing monthly mortgage repayments. To properly account for these changes, start by assessing your current financial situation, making sure you have the necessary savings and income to manage these obligations. 

Consider your new costs, such as property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities, and how they fit into your existing budget. Reevaluate your long-term financial goals, like retirement savings, to accommodate your new mortgage commitments. Don’t forget: updating your insurance policies to protect your investment and reviewing your emergency fund to cover unexpected repairs are important, too. This strategic review ensures homeownership enhances, rather than hinders, your financial journey.

Having a Child

Parenthood comes with countless different expenses that require a financial review to prepare for the added responsibility. Here are just of the following expenses that will be added to your monthly budget when you welcome a child into your family: 

  • Healthcare costs
  • Childcare
  • Food and nutrition
  • Clothing
  • Diapers and personal care
  • Baby gear and equipment
  • Education
  • Entertainment and activities
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Insurance

Having a child introduces new expenses and responsibilities. From healthcare to childcare, education, and essential supplies, each facet of parenthood requires careful budget planning. This event affects short-term finances and demands a strategic approach to future savings and investments, to make sure resources are set aside to support the child’s growth, development, and future education while maintaining family financial stability.

Changing Jobs or Retirement

Changing jobs or entering retirement significantly impacts your finances, requiring a comprehensive money review. Both situations alter income streams and may affect benefits like healthcare, retirement contributions, and stock options. When changing jobs, evaluate any severance pay, carefully manage the transition between paychecks, and reassess your budget to adapt to a possible salary change. 

Retirement especially requires a careful look at your savings and projected expenses to make sure you have enough money to live on. Transitioning to a fixed income requires adjusting investment strategies and withdrawal plans to align with your retirement lifestyle goals. Regularly reviewing your financial plan during these events helps mitigate risks and maintains long-term stability.

Divorce or Separation

Divorce or separation should always trigger a comprehensive financial review, especially when child support or alimony are required. The division of assets, liabilities, and potentially fluctuating income levels requires careful reassessment. Both parties must consider changes in living expenses, spousal or child support, and the division of debts. Updating insurance policies, assessing tax implications, and reviewing retirement accounts are also critical at this sensitive time to secure financial independence post-divorce. 

couples legs under a table - couple having a discussion at a table

Creating a revised budget, prioritizing an emergency fund, and establishing personal financial goals facilitate a smoother transition. Consulting with financial and legal advisors ensures a thorough understanding of your rights and obligations, ultimately promoting financial stability and growth in this challenging period.

Inheritance or Receiving a Windfall

Receiving an inheritance or windfall dictates a thorough financial review to manage these newfound assets properly. Such unexpected financial gain presents opportunities for wealth building but also requires careful planning to avoid potential pitfalls like overspending or poor investments. The first step is evaluating how this new income affects your current financial situation and long-term goals. 

Consider paying off existing debts to reduce financial burdens, and invest in retirement accounts or other growth vehicles to secure future stability. Updating your estate plan, including wills or beneficiaries, helps make sure your assets are appropriately managed and distributed when the occasion arises. Consulting with a financial advisor is key to develop a personalized strategy. This review helps maximize the benefits of an inheritance or windfall, sustaining financial wellness and aligning newfound wealth with your overall financial objectives.

Life’s big moments are great times to take a fresh look at your finances. Think of these changes as a chance to fine-tune your money game plan. By staying on top of things when life shifts gears, you’re setting yourself up for a smoother ride ahead. These turning points can be exciting and a bit overwhelming, but they’re also perfect for making smart money moves. So when change comes knocking, open the door with a smile and your financial thinking cap on. Your future self will thank you for making informed choices that help keep your finances healthy and growing.


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