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6 Simple Tricks to Make Your Hair Look Thicker

Thin hair can affect your self-esteem and diminish your style options. But don’t reach for the hairstylist’s scissors just yet! There are simple, non-invasive tricks beyond the normal recommendations like haircuts for fine hair or hair-thickening shampoos. Methods like trying new styling techniques or natural supplements are just a couple of the ways to inject volume and life into thin air. With that said, here are 6 simple tricks you can try to get the thick locks you want.

woman with blonde highlights getting her hair fixed by a stylist - waves can make your hair look thicker

1. Layer Your Hair for Depth and Fullness

Layering is a great technique that can add depth and fullness to any hair type. This involves cutting the hair in different lengths, with the shortest layers framing the face and the longest layers at the bottom. Layers reduce the weight of the hair, allowing it to move naturally and appear fuller.

If your hair is already short, ask your stylist to add long layers via extensions with a slight graduation. The shorter layers will provide that lift and support for the longer ones, giving the illusion of thicker hair.

2. Use the Right Hair Ties and Accessories

Choosing the right hair ties and accessories can actually play an important role in giving your hair an appearance of thickness. Avoid using thin, metal hair ties as they can cause breakage and further thinning. Instead, opt for soft, thick fabric scrunchies or spiral hair ties that hold your hair securely without causing damage.

Additionally, using accessories like headbands or clips strategically can add volume. For instance, placing a headband near the crown of your head can lift the roots, providing an instant volume boost. Similarly, clipping sections of hair back in a way that fluffs up the remaining hair can also create an illusion of fullness. Select accessories that match your hair color to blend seamlessly and enhance the thickening effect.

3. Consider Natural or Synthetic Hair Extensions

Hair extensions, whether natural or synthetic, offer a versatile solution to thin hair by adding both length and volume instantly. When considering extensions, it’s important to choose a type that matches your hair texture and color for a perfect blend.

A popular choice for adding volume is the brondie hair ponytail extension. This style blends in smoothly with naturally blonde or brunette hair, offering a lift and fullness that feels natural. The ponytail extension can be clipped or tied around your own ponytail, instantly transforming your look with a thicker, more voluminous mane.

Whether you choose a temporary clip-in ponytail for special occasions or more permanent extensions, the added volume can greatly enhance your hair’s appearance, boosting your confidence.

4. Add Color with Highlights or Balayage

Hair color is not only changes your hair’s hue; it is also a fantastic tool for creating the illusion of thickness and volume. By skillfully placing highlights throughout your hair, you can introduce depth and dimension, resulting in a fuller look.

Consider a technique like balayage, where the color is meticulously hand-painted onto the hair, producing a soft and natural effect that beautifully enhances your hair’s texture. The blend of different colors creates the impression of more strands and adds richness and dimension to your overall hair appearance.

5. Enhance Your Hair’s Health with Supplements and Masks

The health of your hair plays a significant role in how thick it appears. Good nutrition is the foundation, but sometimes supplements can provide the extra nutrients your hair needs.

Biotin, collagen, and keratin supplements are popular choices for hair health. Additionally, applying a hair mask once a week can nourish your strands, making them look smoother and shinier, which can give the appearance of thicker hair.

Look for masks that are specifically formulated for thin or fine hair.

6. Change Your Part for an Instant Lift

Finally, a simple yet effective trick to refresh your hairstyle is to change your part. If you’ve been sticking to the same part for years, why not switch things up? By altering your hair part, you can create natural volume at the roots and add a touch of lift to your hair.

Feel free to experiment with side parts or middle parts to discover the most flattering look for your hair type and face shape. It’s all about finding what works best for you and embracing the change!

woman getting hair blow dried and curled by stylist

Combine these styling tricks with a consistent hair care routine that nourishes and strengthens your hair from the roots. With dedication to self-care and a touch of patience, you’ll gradually transform your hair into the luscious, voluminous mane you’ve always dreamt of.


  • I'm Donella, the voice, heart, and wit (sometimes) behind this blog. I homeschool my pre-teen son by day and moonlight as a blogger and freelance writer. I'm a Diet Pepsi aficionado with a bookshelf that's always overflowing. My two dogs—a German Shepherd and a Beagle—are my fluffy shadows. I love planning in my bullet journal almost as much as I love hoarding notebooks and pens. I may be an introvert who missed her calling as a desert hermit, but that just gives me more time to write, right?

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