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6 Tips for the Perfect Holiday Lights Setup for Your Home

As the holiday season approaches, the time has come to give our homes a festive sparkle. Holiday lights add a magical touch, transforming your dwelling into a vibrant, radiant spectacle that not only illuminates the long winter nights but also spreads cheer in the neighborhood.

Our guide will provide you with 6 handy tips to create the perfect holiday lights setup, promising a dazzling display that will impress your visitors and make your home the star of the street — let’s begin!

man on ladder putting up christmas lights

Call in a Professional

While it’s tempting to take on the lighting project by yourself, consider hiring a professional to ensure safety and reduce stress during the holiday season. Professionals have the necessary expertise and experience to handle the complexities that might arise during the setup. They can efficiently manage the wiring, secure the lights to avoid accidents, and also create a unique design that complements your home’s architecture. If you don’t know who to call, you can visit the Wonderly Lights website, for example, to find local professionals in your area. You can rest assured that the job is done correctly, minimizing the risk of electrical mishaps or damages that could dampen the holiday spirit.

Plan Your Design

For those looking to tackle the project on their own, it is essential to have a plan in place before diving into the setup. Consider the overall design you want to achieve and take note of any existing features on your property that could be incorporated into the display. Map out where you want to place lights, which areas need more coverage, and what type of lighting would best suit each space.

Your vision should include a variety of lighting types, such as string lights, net lights, and spotlights, to add depth and dimension to your display. Consider incorporating different colors or patterns to add interest and create a cohesive theme.

Choose the Right Lights

The market offers an array of holiday lights but which ones are the right ones for your display? Here are some tips you want to take into account:

  • LED vs. Incandescent: LED lights are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and provide a brighter display than traditional incandescent lights.
  • White vs. Colored Lights: White lights offer a classic look while colored lights add a fun and whimsical touch to your display. You can also mix both for added visual interest.
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor Lights: Ensure to purchase lights specifically designed for outdoor use. They are weather-resistant and will withstand the elements.
  • Consider Safety: Look for lights that have been tested and certified to ensure they meet safety standards.

Measure Accurately

Before purchasing your lights, you need to measure accurately to ensure you buy the right quantity. Use a measuring tape to calculate the length of the areas where you intend to install the lights, including rooflines, window frames, doors, and fences. Don’t forget to account for any vertical drops or swags in your design.

Even consider the distance to your power source — extension cords can help, but shouldn’t be overly relied upon. Having a clear idea of your measurement will prevent the disappointment of coming up short or the frustration of dealing with excess lights. As a general rule of thumb, for dense, bright lights, aim for at least 100 lights for every 1-1.5 feet of space. It’s better to buy a little extra than to run out in the middle of your decorating project.

Test Your Lights

Now that you have your lights, test them before installing them. Nothing is more frustrating than realizing a string of lights doesn’t work after you’ve hung it up. Plug in each string of lights, and check for any bulbs that are dim, flickering, or completely out. This is also a good time to replace burnt-out bulbs, as most string lights will come with a few replacement bulbs included.

Different brands and batches can vary, and this is a chance to avoid any inconsistencies in your display. You don’t need to test every single light but check a few strings of each type and color to make sure they’re all working correctly.

Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority when decorating with holiday lights. Be cautious of any potential fire hazards by keeping your lights away from flammable materials and water sources. Use proper outdoor extension cords that are designed for outdoor use and make sure they are not overloaded with too many lights.

Avoid using staples or nails to hang lights as they can damage the wires and create a fire hazard. Instead, opt for clips or hooks specifically designed for holiday lights. Never leave your lights on overnight or when you’re not home to avoid any potential accidents.

roofline decorated with christmas lights

Holiday lights add a beautiful touch to your home and bring joy to the holiday season. By following these 6 tips, you can ensure a successful and safe holiday lights setup that will impress your guests and brighten up the neighborhood. Remember, it’s always best to plan ahead, choose quality lights, measure accurately, test before installation, and prioritize safety for a perfect holiday light display. Happy decorating!


  • I'm Donella, the voice, heart, and wit (sometimes) behind this blog. I homeschool my pre-teen son by day and moonlight as a blogger and freelance writer. I'm a Diet Pepsi aficionado with a bookshelf that's always overflowing. My two dogs—a German Shepherd and a Beagle—are my fluffy shadows. I love planning in my bullet journal almost as much as I love hoarding notebooks and pens. I may be an introvert who missed her calling as a desert hermit, but that just gives me more time to write, right?

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