Being able to save money on your home energy bills is important, especially nowadays when things cost so much and are at a considerable premium than before.
Anything that you can do to save yourself some money on your home energy bills is definitely worthwhile. With that being said, if you’re looking to save some money on your home energy bills this year, here are some easy ways to do so!

1. Adjust your thermostat
First and foremost, it’s always a good idea to check your thermostat is working correctly. You should be looking at your heating system and thermostat occasionally to check that everything is still working as it should be.
Adjusting your thermostat can be a great way to save money and something you should certainly consider doing. Even adjusting it ever so slightly or putting it on a timer, can help reduce your expenditures when it comes to your bills.
Think about lowering your thermostat or perhaps using a smart thermostat and application to manage your heating at any time whether that be in the day or night. With smart thermostats, you have the ability to control the temperature of your home from any spot whether that’s in your home or outside of it.
2. Insulate the home
Insulating your home is another step towards a more productive property when it comes to eco-efficiency. The more well-insulated the home is, the better it will be when it comes to saving you money on your home energy bills.
When insulating your home, consider what parts of the home are already well insulated and what parts may require you to insulate or replace the insulation already there.
From your ceilings to the walls, to even under the floorboards. It’s a good idea to try and find opportunities where insulation is needed and to update the rooms where required. Don’t forget the attic space too as this is a great spot that will require some insulation added in order to provide the protective layer needed to save on heat expelled.
3. Replace inefficient appliances
Some appliances will do well to perform for many years to come, whereas others are often inefficient when it comes to saving money on your bills.
That’s why it’s always good to take a look at what appliances are like when it comes to their performance. Some are going to be better than others and those that perform best when it comes to energy efficiency aren’t always the most expensive ones either.
4. Take shorter showers and fewer baths
Taking shorter showers or fewer baths is a great way to help save some money on your water and utility bills in general. Shorter showers are going to mean less time having a constant stream of water running down your drain.
While baths are enjoyable, they do use up a lot of water, which is why you want to pick and choose when you have your tub time. Try to opt for more showers over baths and when using bath water, aim to only fill up your bathtub so high before dipping in.
5. Replace any windows or doors
Over time, your windows and doors will likely become more worn and tired, which is why you want to replace any windows and doors when they start underperforming and perhaps causing a draught in your home.
Try to identify which windows or doors might be in need of some TLC, especially if they’ve been around since you moved in or even prior to that.
Windows typically last around twenty-five years give or take. That means you should buy energy efficient windows once you’re aware that the current windows not performing as well as they used to.
6. Invest in solar panels
Solar panels, although quite expensive, are a great investment and one worth making when it comes to making your home a lot cheaper to run.
With solar panels, you have the ability to use your own energy from the sun which is absorbed via the solar panels and generated to create electricity.
These solar panels are great even if they’re an investment to begin with. Over the years, you’ll find that the solar panels eventually are paid for and then you’re into free energy territory.
7. Wash and dry clothes more efficiently
Washing and drying your clothes more efficiently can certainly be done, which is why you should look at how often you’re watching them and whether you could reduce the number of times you’re washing your clothes.
It might be that you can wash your clothes only once they’ve had a few wears out of them instead of at the end of every day.
These tips can help you save money on your home energy bills, so make sure to use them!