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7 Fun Facts About Bearded Dragons You Need to Know

Have you been thinking about getting a bearded dragon? These scaly friends have been stealing hearts left and right, but there’s more to them than meets the eye. Whether you’re thinking about getting one as a pet or just love learning about cool animals, you’re in for a treat. Get ready to have your mind blown with these 7 fun facts about bearded dragons that you probably didn’t know!

bearded dragon on a rock

1. The Secret Behind Their Name

Ever wondered why these lizards are called “bearded dragons”? No, they don’t have tiny combs and hair gel! The name comes from the spiky scales under their chin that puff out when they’re feeling threatened. This “beard” can also change color, usually turning black when they’re stressed or trying to look tough. It’s like nature’s own version of a mood ring! So next time you see a bearded dragon puffing out its chin, you’ll know it’s not just showing off its epic beard game – it’s actually communicating!

2. Masters of Color Change

Speaking of changing colors, bearded dragons are like the chameleons of the desert world. While they can’t match every color of the rainbow, these little guys can shift their shades for some pretty cool reasons. Feeling a bit chilly? They might darken their skin to absorb more heat. Trying to impress a potential mate? Time to break out the brighter colors! They can even change color to blend in with their surroundings, making them the ultimate hide-and-seek champions. Perhaps most interestingly of all is the fact that they can partition the color change, keeping them to only certain parts of the body.

3. Third Eye on Top

Hold onto your hats, because this one’s a real mind-bender. Bearded dragons have a third eye! Before you start imagining a lizard with sunglasses and an eye patch, let me explain. This “eye” is actually called the parietal eye, and it’s right on top of their head. While it can’t see images like their other eyes, this light-sensitive organ helps them detect changes in light and shadow. It’s super useful for spotting predators from above and regulating their body temperature. Talk about staying ahead of the game!

4. Unusual Eating Habits

Bearded dragons are the foodies of the reptile world. These omnivores enjoy a varied diet. They munch on veggies, fruits, and insects with equal enthusiasm. One of their favorite snacks? Dubia roaches! These protein-packed insects may be available at your local pet store, but you can also find Dubia for sale online. But that’s not all – bearded dragons have been known to chow down on flowers, and some even enjoy the occasional pinkie mouse. They’re not picky eaters, but they do have standards. In the wild, they’ve been observed doing a little “taste test” dance, licking their food before deciding whether to eat it.

5. Wave Like Royalty

Ever seen a bearded dragon doing what looks like a tiny royal wave? It’s not just them being fancy (although they are pretty regal). This arm-waving behavior is actually a form of communication. Sometimes it’s a submissive gesture, like saying “Hey, you’re the boss around here!” to a more dominant dragon. Other times, it might be a way of saying “I come in peace” to another beardie they’re meeting for the first time. Male bearded dragons might even use it as part of their courtship dance.

6. Nap Time Champions

If there were an Olympic event for napping, bearded dragons would take gold every time. During the cooler months, they go through a process called brumation. It’s like hibernation’s cooler cousin. During brumation, bearded dragons slow down their metabolism and sleep for long periods. They might wake up occasionally for a snack or a drink, but mostly they’re catching some serious Z’s. This can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. So if your bearded dragon friend seems extra lazy during winter, don’t worry – they’re just doing what comes naturally.

7. Speedsters of the Lizard World

Don’t let their lazy reputation fool you – when bearded dragons want to move, they can really book it! These surprisingly speedy lizards can run up to 9 miles per hour in short bursts. That might not sound like much to us, but for a large lizard, it’s pretty fast. They use this speed in the wild to catch prey and escape predators.

bearded dragon in a bunch of leaves

That rounds out our list of fun facts about bearded dragons that probably made you say “Wow!” at least once. From their mysterious third eye to their royal waves and speedy sprints, these scaly friends are full of surprises.

Whether you’re a long-time beardie fan, looking for a new family pet, or just learning about these fascinating creatures, there’s always something new to discover in the world of bearded dragons. Who knew lizards could be so cool?


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