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7 Essential Essay Writing Tools Every Homeschooler Needs

Essay writing is an important part of a homeschooler’s curriculum, especially for middle schoolers and high schoolers. Whether your child is working on a history report or a literature analysis, having the right tools to write essays can make all the difference.

Today, we’ll look at 7 helpful essay writing tools that every homeschooler needs to finish their papers. From mind mapping tools to citation generators, these resources will help your child become a better writer and researcher.

girl sitting at coffee table with book and notebook

Mind Mapping Tools

Starting an essay can be difficult when your ideas are scattered in every direction. That’s where mind mapping tools swoop in to save the day! Tools such as MindMeister or SimpleMind are like digital sketchpads to help organize thoughts and ideas.

By creating a mind map, your homeschooler can lay out the main theme, supporting arguments, and evidence in a clear, visual format. This process helps create a logical structure for the essay and makes the planning stage much more enjoyable. Plus, having a visual outline helps keep writing focused to make sure your kid covers all necessary topics without wandering off course.

Writing Platform

Popular choices like Microsoft Word and Google Docs are easy to use for drafting, editing, and polishing essays. Features such as real-time spell check, grammar suggestions, and word count trackers help make writing easier. The ability to collaborate in real-time, as offered by Google Docs, can be especially beneficial for homeschoolers who are collaborating on a project.

Online Research Libraries

Online research libraries are invaluable for homeschoolers writing essays. Platforms like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and the Library of Congress open the door to an extensive collection of scholarly articles, historical documents, and books.

Using reputable research libraries for scholarly works makes their essays more credible and and hones their research skills, teaching them how to discern and leverage quality information in their writing.

If you need additional resources, your local library can also be a great resource, both with physical books and with access to more scholarly digital publications.

Thesaurus and Dictionary (Books or Apps)

Boosting your vocabulary is key to great essay writing. Thesaurus apps like and WordWeb let you find synonyms and antonyms for frequently used words, making your writing more engaging by avoiding repetition. Instead of using “important” over and over, you can find alternatives like “crucial” or “vital.”

Dictionary apps like Merriam-Webster and Oxford English Dictionary help your child understand word meanings, pronunciations, and usage. While it helps with writing, a dictionary is particularly helpful during the research phase to help clarify term and definitions.

These apps are often integrated into word processors or available as browser extensions, allowing you to look up words without breaking your writing flow.

Citation Generators

Citation generators help your child with properly acknowledging sources. With just a few clicks, they can automatically generate citations in various styles, including the widely used MLA, APA, or Chicago formats. You can also generate citations in vancouver style. This saves a significant amount of time and teaches your homeschooler the importance of giving credit where it’s due. Using citation generators helps avoid unintentional plagiarism by ensuring that all sources are correctly cited, making them an invaluable tool in the essay-writing toolkit.

young boy using a laptop

Grammar and Style Checker

Every writer knows the importance of dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s, but it’s easy to miss things when you’re looking at your own work. Tools such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor are like an extra pair of eyes or your own personal editor, catching mistakes that you’re likely to miss. These programs help to eliminate passive voice, verbose sentences, and unclear phrases. They also offer suggestions to improve the writing style, making text more interesting to read.

By integrating these checks into their writing process, homeschoolers can learn to self-edit with precision, refining their writing skills one sentence at a time.

Plagiarism Checker

Ensuring originality in essay writing is imperative. Tools such as Turnitin or Copyscape scan your child’s essays against countless online publications, academic papers, and websites. They highlight any sections that may be too similar to existing content, providing an opportunity for your homeschooler to revise and refine their work. It can also be a good reminder to add a citation if your homeschooler forgot to properly attribute a quote.

These tools help protect against unintentional plagiarism and stress the importance of ethical writing practices.

By incorporating these seven essential tools into your homeschooler’s essay writing process, you can significantly enhance their writing skills and make the task more manageable and enjoyable.

From organizing thoughts with mind mapping tools to ensuring originality with plagiarism checkers, each resource plays a key role in developing a well-rounded, confident writer. Equipping your child with these tools helps them produce high-quality essays and instills valuable skills they will carry into higher education and beyond.


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