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How to Clean a Composite Door — A Step-Step Guide

Composite doors are a fantastic investment for any home, combining durability, style, and low maintenance. But like any part of your home, they need care to keep them looking their best. Regular cleaning preserves their appearance and extends their lifespan.

using a soft cloth and cleaner to wipe down a door

Cleaning Composite Doors

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through cleaning a composite door effectively. Whether you’re dealing with everyday dust or tackling tougher stains, we’ve got you covered. Let’s keep your door as clean and attractive as the day it was installed!

You can find out more about composite doors and how to clean them at online door suppliers, like UK Composite Doors. But for now, we’ll give you a brief overview of the process to get you started right away.

What is a Composite Door?

A composite door is made from a combination of PVC, wood, foam insulation, and GRP (glass-reinforced plastic). When compared to traditional wooden doors, this combination provides greater strength, security, and insulation.

Choosing the appropriate cleaning methods and products is easier when you know the materials involved.

Materials Needed for Cleaning

You will need the following materials to begin the cleaning process:

  • Soft cloths or microfiber cloths
  • A bucket of warm water
  • Mild dish soap
  • Soft-bristled brush or sponge
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Spray bottle
  • Glass cleaner (if the door has glass panels)
  • Non-abrasive cleaner for tough stains
  • Dry towels

Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide

Now that you have sorted all the equipment and materials, you’re ready to clean your composite door.


Start by removing any loose dirt or debris from the door’s surface. Use a dry, soft cloth or brush to remove dust and cobwebs. This prevents scratching the surface while cleaning.

Cleaning the Door Surface

Fill a bucket with warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the soapy water and wring it out well.

Wipe down the entire door surface, paying particular attention to areas with visible dirt or grime. Use gentle chemical cleaners rather than harsh abrasives, as these can damage the door’s finish.

Tackling Tough Stains

You can create a paste by mixing baking soda and water for stubborn stains or marks. After applying the paste, let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub the stain gently with a soft-bristled brush, then wipe away the paste with a damp cloth. If desired, you can use a non-abrasive cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Cleaning Glass Panels

If your composite door has glass panels, use a glass cleaner or a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Spray the solution onto the glass and wipe it clean with a dry microfiber cloth. For a spotless finish, make sure there are no streaks left behind.

Cleaning the Door Frame

Don’t forget to clean the door frame and surrounding trim. Use the same soapy water solution to wipe down the frame, removing dirt and fingerprints. For areas that are particularly dirty, a soft-bristled brush can help lift grime without damaging the surface.

Drying and Polishing

Once the door and frame are clean, use a dry towel to dry all surfaces thoroughly. This step is vital in preventing water spots and streaks. For added shine, you can use a polish designed for composite materials, following the product instructions carefully.

Maintaining Your Composite Door

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your composite door in top condition. Here are some tips to maintain its appearance and functionality:

Regular Dusting

Dust your composite door regularly using a dry microfiber cloth. This simple step helps prevent dirt and grime build-up, making deep cleaning sessions less frequent.

Lubricating Hinges and Locks

Composite doors often come with high-quality hinges and locks. To ensure these components operate smoothly, apply a small amount of lubricant to the moving parts every few months. Avoid oil-based products that attract dust and dirt.

Inspecting Seals and Weatherstripping

Check the door’s seals and weatherstripping periodically for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn-out parts to maintain the door’s insulation and security features.

Addressing Scratches and Scuffs

Minor scratches and scuffs can be touched up using a colour-matched composite door repair kit. Follow the kit’s instructions to blend the repair seamlessly with the rest of the door.

Avoiding Harsh Chemicals

Always avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive pads, or high-pressure washers on your composite door. These can damage the door’s surface and compromise its integrity over time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are a number of mistakes homeowners make when cleaning composite doors, which can actually cause more long-term damage to your doors than anything.

We will take you through some of these common mistakes so you know what NOT to do when you clean your composite doors.

Using Abrasive Cleaners

Abrasive cleaners can scratch and damage composite doors. Stick to mild, non-abrasive cleaning solutions to maintain the door’s finish.

Ignoring the Hardware

Neglecting the door’s hardware can lead to functionality issues. Regularly check and maintain the hinges, locks, and handles to ensure they work correctly.

Overlooking Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning prevents the build-up of dirt and grime, which can become harder to remove over time. Establish a routine cleaning schedule to keep your door looking its best.

Composite Door Cleaning

Cleaning and maintaining a composite door is a straightforward process that, when done regularly, ensures the door remains attractive and functional for years to come.

By using the right cleaning products and techniques, and avoiding common mistakes, you can keep your composite door in excellent condition. This will enhance your home’s curb appeal and value.

For a thorough clean, follow the steps outlined in this guide: preparation, cleaning the door surface, tackling tough stains, cleaning glass panels, addressing the door frame, and drying and polishing.

Regular maintenance and attention to detail will keep your composite door looking pristine and operating smoothly.

More Cleaning Tips


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