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How to Keep Your Living Room Clean With Minimal Effort

With kids and pets running through your house all day long, you might struggle to keep it as clean as you would like it to be. Rather than giving up entirely and allowing it to fall into rack and ruin, here are some tips that can help you to keep your living room clean in 2024 and beyond.

cleaning leather sofa with yellow cloth

Invest in a Leather Couch 

Sometimes, you can help your future self to keep your home clean and tidy by investing in the right furniture. Some furnishings are harder to keep pristine than others. If you do not want to spend your day scrubbing your couch or your coffee table to keep it sparkling, you should look for easy-to-maintain options that can serve a practical purpose within your living room. For instance, a leather couch can be washed down without further effort if your child spills a drink or food on it. The only problem with leather couches, though, is that the leather can crack and become worn over time if your children put their feet on the seat, or if you choose a low-quality or faux leather version. 

Get Protectors

If you have your heart set on a piece of pricey furniture but are now concerned that your children will quickly tear the furniture in question to shreds, you should look around for protectors that you can put on this feature. Not only can you get plastic protectors for couches that can help if food and muddy paws often touch your couch, but you might also be able to find sturdy tablecloths that can allow your kids to enjoy arts and crafts at the table without your table finding into the victim of pencil imprints. Although these protectors might not always be aesthetically pleasing, they will ensure that your furniture can stay in great condition for many years to come. 

Decorate With Soft Furnishings 

girl on couch covered with throw pillows

Soft furnishings are the best décor that a family home can have because they can be shoved in the washing machine as soon as they get dirty. Then, rather than filling your living room with fine art and glass features that cannot be repaired or removed if they get broken, you should instead decorate your abode with blankets, throws, comfortable throw pillows, and even rugs. These vivid objects can also change the entire appearance of your home and are likely to be loved by your children. 

Look After the Floor 

Your living room is likely to be where your family spends the majority of their time or can act as a throughway to other parts of your home. Rather than allowing your floor to gather dust and grime, which will then spread through the rest of your home, you should instead look after your floor by mopping it and vacuuming it every other day. This will prevent a build-up of dirt and can allow you to feel satisfied that you have taken action, even if you have not had time for a deep clean in the chaos of raising your kids. 

woman mopping hardwood floors


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