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Top Things to Do to Improve the Air Quality in Your House

It’s fair to say that the air you breathe has an enormous effect on your quality of life, not only for those with severe allergies. The worse the air quality, the more pathogens, allergens, spores, and more you will allow to enter your lungs, which over time could cause all manner of nasty illnesses.

In most cases, your house will be where you spend most of your time, but it is also the location where you least expect to find poor air. Still, the significance of enhancing air quality becomes apparent if you consider when you last changed your air filters or cleaned out your HVAC system.

This post will discuss some of the top things you can do to get your air quality to a state you’re happy with in order to ensure the health of you and your family.

woman pointing remote control at air conditioner

Maintain A Clean HVAC System

Most modern homes will include some form of heating and cooling, with many opting for an all-in-one HVAC system for increased efficiency. While these systems are excellent at performing their intended job, they can become clogged up over time, dramatically reducing their efficiency. Moreover, if left untreated, they can even become part of the problem.

According to Lex Air Conditioning, HVAC specialists based in Texas, there are numerous models that require different components and understanding to ensure they work as intended. Therefore, it’s vital that you call out technicians with the knowledge to repair a vast range of units.

By staying on top of maintenance and calling out the pros to clean and refresh your systems on a regular basis, you will guarantee that it works correctly and your indoor air quality remains high.

Regularly Clean And Dust Surfaces

Dust has a habit of forming on practically any type of surface imaginable. Over weeks or months, these particles build up and circulate around the house…also meaning that you and others will eventually be breathing them in. Although you won’t see too many significant health issues unless you happen to have specific allergies, over time, dust can start to take its toll.

Dusting helps remove pollen, pet dander, and other common allergens from indoor air. By eliminating these potential irritants, homeowners can enhance the air quality inside their living spaces. Regular surface cleaning removes an important source of indoor air pollution. Keeping surfaces dust-free through a weekly cleaning routine helps families breathe easier at home.

woman dusting a small table

Increase Ventilation With Fans

Over time, poorly ventilated homes tend to trap pollutants inside. With insufficient airflow, these contaminants concentrate inside and are then repeatedly breathed in whenever they become agitated via normal home usage.

By opening windows more often, using exhaust extraction fans in kitchens and bathrooms, and ensuring your HAVC systems have fresh filters and are regularly maintained, as discussed previously, you will promote better circulation and, thus, better air quality. Cross ventilation from two opposite windows or doors is especially effective at airing out a space.

Keep Houseplants For Natural Purification

Everyone knows that plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, but not many realize how critical they can be for improving the overall air quality in a given space. Moreover, specific plants, such as spider plants, have been recorded as being able to absorb a range of highly poisonous contaminants like formaldehyde, benzene, and more that are often emitted by items like pressed wood products and paints.

By bringing plants inside, homeowners can help scrub away these volatile organic compounds and other contaminants. Moreover, with the proper plant selection, you will not only improve the air you breathe but can decorate your home and introduce a more tranquil setting to any space. The best part is that this is perhaps the simplest, most cost-efficient solution in this list and can be utilized by any family in all kinds of households. 

Use High-Quality Air Filters

Investing in very high-quality filters with a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values) rating of 11 or higher can make a substantial difference to your quality of life. These filters, often made from unique pleated material, are specifically designed to trap finer particles down to 2.5 microns in size. This includes the usual suspects, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and other indoor allergen triggers.

However, simply installing and forgetting isn’t an option. In order to get the most from these types of filters, you should aim to replace them at least every three months. This small ongoing cost will yield significant benefits to your respiratory and, therefore, your overall health.

Ensuring proper air quality inside your home really should be the priority of all homeowners. Good air quality can reduce the effects of allergies and maintain good overall health. By following the tips laid out in this post, you should be well on your way to a healthier, happier life!


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