When kids have trouble sleeping well, there are a number of reasons why that may be happening. There may be times when you should call a doctor to figure out what is wrong, but there could also be environmental or lifestyle factors causing the problem that could be easily remedied.
We want to explore a few of those and offer up these suggestions why your precious little ones might not be sleeping well at night or might wake up feeling like they need more sleep.
Not Playing Hard Enough
This is a simple and straightforward answer that is more common these days than it was in the past. The fact is that many kids simply do not get enough physical activity for their age level. They may eat plenty of food that gives them energy and be at an age of development where they have boundless energy, but then they spend a large portion of their day being sedentary.
They may sit in front of a screen for long hours, and then by the time you send them to bed, even though it may be their regular bedtime, they will not be tired. This means they will lay in bed for a long time and be restless, rolling back and forth, having thoughts run through their mind, and not falling asleep. If they didn’t have an opportunity to wear themselves out during the day, they may be restless at night, and you can remedy this by having them get some outdoor time and exercise a while before bed.
It is a good idea to have your kids be active an hour or two before bedtime. You can send them outside to play, do a workout with them, play an active game, or do something else that engages them physically and uses up the excess energy that they have.
Too Much Dust and Mold Inside
Kids may have trouble sleeping because the house is too dusty and dirty or there is mold growing indoors. These things cause sleeping problems because of their small particles that go into the air and then get inside the airways of kids. Dust can block the nasal passage of your kids and make it hard for them to breathe. They may end up with stuffy or runny noses and have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. In the morning, they will not feel very well rested.
If there is mold present, it can cause allergy-like symptoms and irritate sinuses. In some cases, mold can cause severe reactions and make it incredibly hard for people to breathe at all.
You can get rid of these problems by having your house well cleaned. Use 24/7 house cleaning services to ensure that your home is cleaned when it is important for your kids to breathe well and for your house to look its best. You can call on these kinds of services whenever you need them and when you realize that the dust, dirt, and mold are problems.
In some instances, the mold may come back very quickly because it is so difficult to clean up entirely. You may need to call for a mold remediation expert to handle that and to get rid of the mold in such a way that it will not come back.
One solution to this issue of breathing difficulties caused by small particles is that you use an air purifier or air humidifier. You can accompany that with nasal spray or other medications that clear up sinuses and make it easier for your kids to breathe.
High Stress Levels
Your kids may also have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep if they are experiencing unusually high levels of stress. They may wake up during the night, have restless sleep, and have trouble getting to sleep in the first place as a result of stress they are experiencing.
This stress could be caused by worry about upcoming tests, about a big event that is happening the next day, or because of bullying, health concerns, or other life issues that have them thinking chaotic and worrisome thoughts. You can help your kids by talking to them before bed and finding out how their day went. Try to deal with these issues early on in the day, if you can, by keeping in touch with your kids and keeping communication open between the two of you.
When your kids tell you what is bothering them, you can have a conversation with them to try to lessen their fears and worries. You can also play soothing music for them, give them calming chamomile tea to drink, or have them put away electronic devices and read a book before bed. Any kind of settling, calming activity before bed can help to alleviate stress and allow for the kids to fall asleep faster.
Environmental Factors
There may be things around your kids or close to your home that are causing your kids sleeplessness. If there are loud noises or unpleasant smells nearby, your kids may have trouble sleeping. If there are bright lights in their room, they might not be able to fall asleep fast.
You can deal with light issues by purchasing blackout curtains for them, buying a dimmer night light or using no night light at all, and by giving your kids an eye mask to sleep with to block out light.
You can also help your kids with loud noises by talking to the neighbors to ask them to turn down whatever is making noise. You can give your kids noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs to wear to bed, and you can soundproof their room in a few different ways. Keep in mind, though, that kids who wake up easily during the night or have trouble sleeping due to loud noises and lights may just need some extra activity during the day to tire them out and help them sleep through these things.
We hope these suggestions help you figure out why your kids might not be sleeping well.