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3 Recipes To Add In Your Meal Rotation Menu: A Mom’s Guide

mom chopping vegetables with daughters

Finding new dishes to add to your menu can be exhausting sometimes, especially when you have kids. Catering to their demands while balancing nutrition can seem overwhelming. However, with the right help, planning a menu can be incredibly rewarding.

As kids grow, they often become picky with food, making it critical to have delicious, lip-smacking recipes handy. This makes it a great idea to gift a cooking class to yourself or other moms. Not only is it a fun and interactive experience, but it will also allow you to add more variety to your menu rotations, ensuring that your kids eat healthy, intriguing foods without compromising on nutrition.

Here are three lip-smacking recipes you can add to your menu rotation:

1. Dumplings

Dumplings are made by wrapping a thin layer of dough around your choice of filling. Often paired with either soy sauce or a variety of other condiments, dumplings are a fun way to make your kids eat their meals and feel full for hours.

Dumplings are ideal for days when you want to have a slow, enjoyable, and giggle-packed meal with your family. Consider including your kids during the preparation process, as the movements involved in making a dumpling can boost cognitive development and motor skills.

2. Ravioli

Pasta is an incredible source of carbohydrates, fiber, and some essential vitamins and minerals for kids. This is because it lets you add a wide range of vegetables, greens, and protein to their diets. As Ravioli is an envelope pasta that can have a variety of fillings, you can experiment as much as you like.

Moreover, you can also consider involving your kids in the process to double the fun. If you are making Ravioli for your toddler, boiling and then mashing the filling mix will make it easier for them to chew and digest it. Ravioli’s gentle, squishy, and soft feeling against their aching gums can also provide instant comfort.

3. Enchiladas

Enchiladas can offer much-needed relief and nutrition if your toddler is still in the eating and spitting phase. Made with a soft dough and generous filling of vegetables or protein, they are easy to chew and will keep them full for hours.

To make them, you can use boiled and mashed corn, wheat (white or whole grain), or grain-free sheets. Avoid adding too many spices to the gravy. In case you have school-going children, this is an excellent meal option for them.

Making mealtime exciting 

mom and daughter cracking eggs into a bowl

Whether you are a new mom or have been one for years, deciding what to cook can be challenging at times. Adding more variety to your menu will ensure your kids are excited about every meal and look forward to helping you in the kitchen. As these dishes are versatile, they can be made completely vegan or paired with various proteins, giving you more flexibility than you can imagine!


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