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DIY vs. Professional Installation of Hurricane Window Protections: What’s Best for Your Florida Home?

Hurricanes are a regular threat in Florida, therefore, securing your windows is not merely a precaution — it’s a necessity. Every year, homeowners face the decision of how best to protect their homes from violent storms. 

One critical choice is between hiring a Florida remodeling contractor or installing hurricane window protections themselves. This decision not only impacts the effectiveness of the protection but also affects costs, time, and peace of mind. Understanding the pros and cons of each option can help you make an informed choice that ensures your home is well-prepared when a hurricane hits.

cute blue Florida house surrounded by palm trees

Popular Hurricane Window Protections

Hurricane window protections are designed to prevent windows from breaking during a storm, which can lead to dangerous pressure changes inside a home and cause significant damage. There are several types of protections available:

  • Storm Shutters: These include roll-down, accordion, Bahama, and colonial shutters. Each type offers different levels of protection, aesthetics, and ease of deployment.
  • Impact-Resistant Windows: These windows have strong, laminated glass that can withstand the impact of debris. While more expensive, they provide constant protection without the need for deployment.
  • Plywood Covers: A more budget-friendly option, plywood can be used to cover windows during a storm. Although not as durable or convenient as other methods, it is a popular choice for last-minute protection.

Each of these options has specific installation requirements. Proper installation is crucial to ensure that the protections work effectively, which leads many to debate whether to take on the project themselves or hire experienced professionals. 

DIY Installation of Hurricane Window Protections

Cost SavingsSkill and Tool Requirements
Installing hurricane protections yourself can save significant money on labor costs.Proper installation requires specific tools and a certain level of skill, which not all homeowners possess.
FlexibilityRisk of Improper Installation
You can choose exactly when to install, adjusting based on your schedule and the weather forecast.Mistakes in installation can lead to failures during storms, potentially causing serious damage to the property.
Personal SatisfactionNo Professional Guarantees
There is a sense of accomplishment and control over ensuring your home’s safety.DIY installations typically do not come with warranties or guarantees that professional installations might offer.
Table of pros and cons of DIY hurricane window installation

Professional Installation of Hurricane Window Protections

Expertise and ComplianceHigher Costs
Professional installers bring expertise and ensure that installations comply with local building codes and insurance requirements, enhancing safety and efficacy.Professional services include labor charges, which can significantly increase the overall cost of installation.
Speed and QualityScheduling Issues
Professionals can complete the installation faster and with a higher degree of workmanship, which is crucial in preparing for the hurricane season.Booking professional services can be challenging, especially as hurricane season approaches, requiring homeowners to plan well in advance.
Warranties and GuaranteesDependence on Contractors
Most professional installations come with warranties that cover both materials and labor, providing additional security and potential savings on future repairs.Relying on professionals may lead to a dependency, limiting homeowners’ flexibility and forcing them to adapt to the contractor’s timetable.
Customization for Complex Needs
Professional installation is ideal for homes that require customized solutions or have intricate architectural details, ensuring correct fit and protection.
Table of pros and cons of professional hurricane window installation

Making the Right Choice: DIY vs. Professional Installation

Deciding whether to install hurricane window protection yourself or hire a professional depends on several personal and practical factors. Here’s how to make the right choice based on your specific circumstances:

Assess Your Skill Level and Experience

Evaluate your comfort and experience with home improvement projects. If you have a history of successful DIY projects and possess the necessary tools, DIY installation could be a good fit. Conversely, if the idea of measuring, cutting, and drilling is daunting, professional installation might be a safer choice.

Consider the Complexity of the Installation

Different types of window protections require varying levels of installation expertise. Simple solutions like plywood or basic panel shutters might be within the reach of enthusiastic DIYers. More complex systems, such as roll-down shutters or custom-fit impact windows, typically require professional skills and tools for a secure installation.

beach house and blue skies

Weigh the Importance of Time

If you have ample time to plan, purchase, and perform the installation, DIY can be a viable option. However, if you are pressed for time, especially as a storm approaches, relying on professionals who can complete the job quickly and efficiently may be critical.

Analyze Your Budget

While DIY installations can save on labor costs, remember to factor in the cost of materials, tools, and potential mistakes which could lead to future expenses. Professional installations, although more expensive initially, come with warranties and are less likely to fail, potentially saving money in the long run.

Reflect on Long-Term Benefits

Consider the longevity and durability of the installation. Professional installations are likely to be more durable and may enhance your home’s value. They also ensure compliance with local building codes, which can be important for insurance purposes and resale value.


  • James is this blog's co-pilot (aka Donella's husband)! When he's not serving and protecting, he's either in the mountains hiking, dropping a line in the lake, or donning some camo for a deer hunt. He can name every sidekick in 80s action flicks but can't remember if today is Tuesday or Wednesday. He's got a sweet tooth that could rival Willy Wonka's and a sense of humor that keeps us all laughing. Oh, and he's basically a superhero to his son. Stay tuned for his dad jokes and wilderness wisdom!

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