Staying on top of household cleaning can be incredibly challenging.
After all, the last thing you want to do after a busy day at work is start scrubbing your floors. This, coupled with childcare responsibilities, getting enough rest, and spending time with those you love, often means that you only deep clean your home once in a blue moon.
Not only that, but it can be hard to even know where to start – especially if you cannot even remember the last time you deep-cleaned your home.
Fortunately, this can easily be remedied! By learning how to deep-clean your home like a pro, you can make sure that you can carry out cleaning tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. This way, you can stay on top of your household cleaning, leaving your home looking its best all year round.

Photo by Pille R. Priske on Unsplash
Read on to find out more!
Write down a list of everything you need to do.
Before you can start donning your rubber gloves or arming yourself with cleaning supplies, take some time to write down a list of everything you need to do. This ensures that you are as thorough as possible while also making it easier to stay organized.
While this can change on a case-by-case (or home-by-home) basis, your to-do list could include some of the following:
- Declutter each room within your home
- Clean your skirting boards
- Clean your window tracks
- Clean your windows (interior and exterior)
- Dust and polish all wooden surfaces
- Clean out any cupboards and draws
- Clean ceiling fans and lamps
- Test any alarms
- Clean rugs and carpets
- Polish and mop wooden flooring
- Clean behind bulky pieces of furniture
- Wash bedding, throws, and cushion covers
Remember that you can take it one step at a time.
When we think about deep cleaning our homes, we often envision ourselves completing the entire task over a single day – working tirelessly to clean our homes top from bottom. While this is doable in theory, it is something that the majority of homeowners do not have time for. As such, you can make the process much easier by focusing on one task (or room) at a time.
This way, you can spend as little as twenty minutes each evening cleaning in order to achieve the same overall results in the long run. Of course, if you are going down this route, you must ensure you’re willing to hold yourself accountable. Don’t consider the job done until you’ve ticked off every box on your list.
In addition to this, you don’t need to deep clean your home on your own. Make sure everyone plays their part (though you should ensure that children are given age-appropriate tasks to carry out).
Restock your cleaning cupboard.
While you can keep your cleaning routine pretty simple, it is crucial that you have the right supplies to hand before deep cleaning your home. As such, you should make sure you restock your cupboards ahead of time with the cleaning supplies every homeowner needs. This includes:
- An all-purpose cleaner
- A broom
- A dustpan
- A duster
- Cleaning cloths
- Sponges and scrubbers
- A Mop and bucket
- A Vacuum
Focus on key spaces first.
Some areas of your home will likely need more care and attention than others. For this reason, you should prioritize both your bathroom and kitchen before you start working on any other spaces in the home.
If, when cleaning your bathroom, you notice that your tiles and grout are looking a little worse for wear, then you may want to reach out to a company that offers Tile and Grout Cleaning services. This is due to the fact that mold and mildew can be incredibly difficult to remove without the right tools and equipment, and simply ignoring them could put your family’s health at risk in the long term.
Blast your favorite songs.
It can be hard to stay motivated when cleaning. However, various studies have found that playing your favorite songs can help to combat this while also improving your focus and attention to detail. As such, you should make sure that you always reach for your speakers before you start any cleaning tasks!
Clean each room from top to bottom.
If you are not sure where to even start when cleaning your home, it is often advised that you clean each room from top to bottom. For example, this could mean that you start by cleaning the highest fixtures in each room, such as shelves, lampshades, and ceiling fans, before working your way down gradually.
If you start from the bottom (i.e., by cleaning your floors, you’ll undo your hard work, as when cleaning the fixtures listed above, you’ll dislodge dust and other debris. As such, the floor should be the very last thing you clean in each room. When doing so, remember to start as far away from the door as possible and work your way toward it.
Set yourself an incentive.
While you may be used to using incentives when it comes to getting your kids to pitch in with chores, you’d be surprised at just how motivating it can be for yourself, too. As such, you should be sure to reward yourself when you’ve finished deep cleaning, whether that’s to a glass of wine, a relaxing bubble bath, or even a day out.
Either way, working with a goal in mind will help you stay focused. It could also mean that you work your way through your to-do list far quicker than expected!
Gearing yourself up to deep clean your home can feel daunting, especially if you’ve been putting it off for a while. However, the sooner you get started, the sooner you can see the results of all your hard work in action.
Furthermore, making the effort to deep clean your home now means it will be far easier to stay on top of your cleaning duties and responsibilities moving forward. So, what are you waiting for? Grab those rubber gloves and get started!