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A Halloween Treat That Keeps on Giving

This post brought to you by Wendy’s. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Glue Sticks and Gumdrops.


Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. We don’t get many trick-or-treaters at our house, but for the couple dozen or so that do stop by, I like to make up special treats for them. I usually try to include items that will be useful beyond Halloween… There’s only so much candy kids can eat, after all.

This year, we’re adding coupons for Wendy’s Frosty® treats to our Halloween bags. From September 14 through November 1, Wendy’s® is selling its popular Halloween Coupon Books. For just $1, you can get five or 10 free Jr. Frosty coupons.* What a deal!

Not only is this a treat that kids can enjoy later, but it’s for a great cause. Purchases of these coupon books support finding forever families for children waiting in foster care. Funds from the sales of the coupons books will go to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption® to support programs such as Wendy’s Wonderful Kids.**


Dave Thomas was an adopted child, so he knew first-hand the importance of having a forever family in a happy home. Dave Thomas believed that the children in the foster care system “aren’t someone else’s responsibility; they are our responsibility.” We couldn’t agree more. Wendy’s supports Thomas’s belief by raising funds and collaborating with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, founded in 1992, which works to help find permanent homes for the more than 130,000 children in the North American foster care system. Visit the Wendy’s adoption page for more information.

This is also a cause that’s near and dear to us. For several years, I worked as an office manager for a counseling office that served our area’s foster children, among many other clients. And before my husband started working in law enforcement, he often worked with foster children and foster parents as a family services provider. What these children wanted and needed more than anything was the security and stability of a loving and supportive home.

Instead of handing out candy this Halloween, consider purchasing a Wendy’s Halloween Coupon Book (or several) to help support this cause! Hand them out to the trick-or-treaters along with a nice little note about how the coupons are giving back.

Here are some other ways to give out coupons for Wendy’s Frosty® treats to support the foundation:

  • Hand them out at your child’s class Halloween party.
  • Give some coupons to your local law enforcement agency for Halloween. Our officers can always use a tasty pick-me-up in the middle of a shift!
  • Send Halloween cards to friends and family you don’t get to see often, and include a coupon.
  • Give coupon books to your coworkers instead of candy. You’ll be the hit of the office!
  • Hand them out after a team practice. The kids can cool down with a Wendy’s Frosty®.

See? There are lots of fun ways to share these coupons this Halloween while supporting the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.


* Number of coupons per book vary based on location.

** $0.85 cents of every dollar from the Halloween Coupon Books will go to support the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

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  • I'm Donella, the voice, heart, and wit (sometimes) behind this blog. I homeschool my pre-teen son by day and moonlight as a blogger and freelance writer. I'm a Diet Pepsi aficionado with a bookshelf that's always overflowing. My two dogs—a German Shepherd and a Beagle—are my fluffy shadows. I love planning in my bullet journal almost as much as I love hoarding notebooks and pens. I may be an introvert who missed her calling as a desert hermit, but that just gives me more time to write, right?

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