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Digital Photo Storage Tips for Click Happy Moms

Do you snap hundreds… or thousands of pictures of your kid a year? Me, too. How do you keep your memories safe? Here are some tips to help you do just that with the WD My Cloud Mirror.

Digital Photo Storage Tips for Click-Happy Moms (and Dads!)

I am that mom. The mom who always has her camera or phone in hand, snapping pictures of her kid doing the most mundane of things. I did it way before I started to blog, and I’m sure I’ll continue to do it for as long as he’ll let me.

Why? Because time moves at warp speed once you become a parent.

That smiling, toothless baby quickly became a climbing toddler, and now he’s a curious preschooler. I want to remember the little moments…

How he used to crinkle his nose…

crinkle nose

The wild, curly hair he sported for a few months…

curly hair

Or his two-year obsession with hats…

hat obsession

One of my biggest fears has been losing all of my pictures. It happened to a friend of mine… She didn’t print many pictures out, because they were all stored on her phone. We’re all pretty guilty of that in the digital age, right? Sadly, she lost her phone and hundreds of photos of her baby’s first year right along with it. (This was before the advent of cloud syncing, obviously.)

So clearly, having a backup of your photos is essential. And if you’re super paranoid about losing your pictures, a backup for your backup will give you peace of mind. In a home with multiple devices, it’s great to have one central place where photos and videos can be synced wireless. Because who has time to sit at the computer to transfer their files, right?

Enter the WD My Cloud Mirror.

wd my cloud mirror 1

Folks, this was so, so easy to set up. It comes with the My Cloud Mirror, an ethernet cord and a power supply. That’s it. You plug it in, visit the setup page, and that’s really all there is to it. Altogether (including moving the entertainment center to plug it in), the process took about 10 minutes. Easy peasy.

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Note: If your network has a problem detecting the My Cloud Mirror, just reset your modem and your wireless router. Once I did that, it was smooth sailing!

I downloaded the My Cloud app to my phone so that I could sync new photos right away when I’m on my wirless network. How handy is that? I also plan to download it to my husband’s phone and the kiddo’s tablet. Of course, it’s on my desktop and laptop computers as well because I take loads of photos for the blog in addition to the family photos. I love that I can set up a folder for each person or device to keep them organized.

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I can’t tell you how good it feels to know that our photos are safe and secure because I have not only one, but TWO backups of my files. The device is 4 TB (2 for each drive), and let me tell you, that’s a huge amount of space, folks. I know that I can KEEPITCOMING™ with the pictures and not run out of space. That’s music to a click-happy mom’s ears.

And here are a few tips that I’ve found helpful with storing tens of thousands of pictures:

  1. Choose ONE photo from each shot to keep. You don’t need 20 different versions of the same pose. Choose the best, and delete the rest.
  2. Organize your photos by year, then month, then day.
  3. Add a tags to the photos or to the folder itself to make finding photos easier. Instead of 10-20-2015, for example, 10-20-2015-pumpkin-patch will help you find that cute picture of your kid on a giant pumpkin in a few years.

If you know someone who takes just as many pictures as I do, the My Cloud Mirror would make a wonderful gift! {Buy it here!} It’s perfect for Christmas, birthdays, Mother’s Day… you name it. It comes in 4 TB, 6 TB and 8 TB versions.

wd my cloud mirror vertical


  • I'm Donella, the voice, heart, and wit (sometimes) behind this blog. I homeschool my pre-teen son by day and moonlight as a blogger and freelance writer. I'm a Diet Pepsi aficionado with a bookshelf that's always overflowing. My two dogs—a German Shepherd and a Beagle—are my fluffy shadows. I love planning in my bullet journal almost as much as I love hoarding notebooks and pens. I may be an introvert who missed her calling as a desert hermit, but that just gives me more time to write, right?

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