Halloween is a fun time of year for kids since it means costumes, parties, and lots of candy. Have some extra fun this October by playing Halloween Bingo as a family.
Some aspects of Halloween can be a little scary for kids. I can’t help them from noticing skeletons and ghosts hanging from neighbors trees or from seeing scary masks at the front of the store when we go shopping.
I can make these trademark Halloween symbols a little less scary though by introducing them in less scary versions within fun activities. For example, these Vampire Halloween Cupcake Toppers are cuter than they are scary. And who’s afraid of cupcakes? Kids will love our Halloween Word Scramble, too!

You can play traditional bingo of course. The first page of the download has the call cards. You can either laminate that page and mark off each one as you call OR you can cut out each word and draw them out of bowl or hat to call words randomly.
Kids love taking turns calling the clues too! If your children are old enough to read, let them take turns reading the call cards. For pre-readers, print off an extra copy of one of the bingo cards and cut out each square to use for calling.
For prizes, you can award candy. If you don’t want them having even MORE sweets during this candy-centered holiday, you can always hand out the printable reward coupons instead.
Click HERE to Download the Free Printable Halloween Bingo Game!
Want more Halloween fun? Check out these posts!