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9 Ways to Use a Squeegee to Clean

You’ll be surprised at all the things you can do with a squeegee. Clean your windows? Sure, but it’s good for so much more. From carpets and upholstery to putting up wallpaper, you need a couple of squeegees around the house to help you deep clean everything.

9 Ways to Clean with a Squeegee

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1. Get pet hair off carpet and furniture with your squeegee. Seriously, folks, it works better than any vacuum I’ve tried for removing pet hair.

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via Lifehacks

2. It works like a charm on car upholstery, too. Just vacuum up the clumps of hair after you’re done!

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via Careabearasara’s Randomness

3. After you rinse your shower door (and after every shower), use a squeegee to get the water droplets off the door. (And learn even more tricks to clean your bathroom in 5 minutes a day.)

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via It Happens in a Blink

4. Get tiled or laminated floors sparkling clean. Even better… let the kids do it for you! They’ll love playing with the soapy water and squeegee.

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via And Next Comes L


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5. Have you ever dropped a dish and made a huge mess with the food and broken glass? A squeegee can get all that mess right up.

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via Sheri’s Sanity

6. And, of course, for the cleanest streak-free windows on the block, a squeegee is a must! You can even use it indoors, but make sure you put down some towels to catch the dripping water.

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via This Old House

7. Install wallpaper quickly and efficiently. The squeegee helps smooth the wallpaper and remove air bubbles. Works great for contact paper, too. Okay, that’s not so much a cleaning tip as a handy one. 😉

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via Pretty Handy Girl

8. Clean up spills on countertops in a flash. This trick is super effective for stainless steel countertops since water stains are highly visible on them, but it works well for tile, granite and other materials, too.

via YouTube

9. Use a squeegee to deep clean your hardwood floors. It traps the dirt, making it easier to clean in crevices and cracks.

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via Steam Master Cleaning

How do you use a squeegee around your home?

squeegee clean tips


  • I'm Donella, the voice, heart, and wit (sometimes) behind this blog. I homeschool my pre-teen son by day and moonlight as a blogger and freelance writer. I'm a Diet Pepsi aficionado with a bookshelf that's always overflowing. My two dogs—a German Shepherd and a Beagle—are my fluffy shadows. I love planning in my bullet journal almost as much as I love hoarding notebooks and pens. I may be an introvert who missed her calling as a desert hermit, but that just gives me more time to write, right?

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