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Strategies for Parents to Help Teens Prepare for SATs

Preparing for the SATs can be a stressful time for teens and their parents. However, with the right strategies, parents can play a crucial role in easing this process. Here are some effective ways parents can help their teens prepare for the SATs.

smiling teen girl using white laptop

Create a Study Schedule

Creating a study schedule is the first step towards effective SAT preparation. A well-planned schedule helps students manage their time efficiently and ensures they cover all the necessary material.

Start by identifying the date of the SAT exam and work backward to plan study sessions. Include breaks and leisure activities to prevent burnout. Consistency is key, so make sure your teen sticks to the schedule. It’s important to balance study time with regular school work and extracurricular activities.

Encourage your teen to set specific goals for each study session. This could be completing a certain number of practice questions or reviewing a particular topic. By breaking down the preparation into manageable tasks, the entire process becomes less overwhelming.

Utilize Study Resources

There are many resources available to help your teen prepare for the SATs. These include books, online courses, and practice tests. Encourage your teen to take advantage of these resources to reinforce their understanding and identify areas where they need improvement. For resources on how to study for the SAT, visit This site offers a variety of study materials that can be incredibly helpful.

Online practice tests are particularly beneficial as they simulate the actual exam environment. They help students get accustomed to the test format and time constraints. Review the results of these practice tests with your teen to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Encourage Good Study Habits

Developing good study habits is key for effective SAT preparation. Encourage your teen to study in a quiet, distraction-free environment. This could be a designated study room at home or a local library.

Ensure your teen has all the necessary study materials, such as textbooks, notes, and a reliable internet connection for online resources. Encourage them to take regular breaks during study sessions to maintain focus and avoid fatigue.

It’s also important to promote a healthy lifestyle. Ensure your teen gets enough sleep, eats nutritious meals, and stays physically active. These habits can significantly impact their ability to concentrate and retain information.

young woman making notes and studying

Provide Emotional Support

Preparing for the SATs can be emotionally challenging for teens. As a parent, providing emotional support is just as important as helping with the study process. Be patient and understanding, and encourage your teen to talk about their concerns and anxieties.

Celebrate small victories along the way to boost their confidence. Whether it’s improving a practice test score or mastering a difficult topic, acknowledging these achievements can motivate your teen to keep going.

Remind your teen that it’s okay to get help if they’re struggling. This could be from a teacher, a tutor, or free homework help websites. Sometimes, having someone else explain a concept in a different way can make all the difference.

Understand the Test Format

Understanding the SAT test format is an important part of preparation. The SAT consists of four sections: Reading, Writing and Language, Math (without a calculator), and Math (with a calculator). Familiarize your teen with the types of questions in each section and the time allotted.

Encourage your teen to take timed practice tests. This will help them get used to the pacing of the test and manage their time effectively during the actual exam. Knowing the format can also reduce anxiety as your teen will know what to expect on test day.

Review the instructions for each section with your teen. Make sure they understand how to approach different types of questions, such as multiple-choice and grid-in math questions. This knowledge can save valuable time during the test.

Develop Effective Study Techniques

Different students have different learning styles, so it’s important to find study techniques that work best for your teen. Some students might benefit from creating study notes, while others might prefer using flashcards or online resources.

Encourage your teen to use active study techniques, such as summarizing information in their own words, teaching the material to someone else, or creating practice questions. These techniques can enhance understanding and retention.

Help your teen identify their weaknesses and focus on improving those areas. For instance, if they struggle with math, they should spend more time practicing math problems. Conversely, if they are strong in reading, they can spend less time on that section.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

Sometimes, professional help can make a significant difference in a student’s preparation. If your teen is struggling despite their best efforts, consider hiring a tutor. A tutor can provide personalized instruction and strategies tailored to your teen’s needs.

There are also many online tutoring services that offer flexible scheduling and a range of subjects. These services can provide targeted help with homework and specific SAT sections. Look for reputable services with positive reviews from other parents and students.

For those who prefer not to hire a tutor, many schools offer after-school programs or study groups. These can provide additional support and help your teen stay motivated by studying with their peers.

male high school teacher helping group of 4 students

Practice with Real Test Questions

Practicing with real SAT questions is one of the most effective ways to prepare. The College Board, which administers the SAT, offers free practice tests and questions on their website. These materials are invaluable because they reflect the content and difficulty of the actual test.

Encourage your teen to practice regularly with these questions. This will help them become familiar with the types of questions they will encounter and the skills they need to develop. Reviewing the answers and explanations can also provide insights into the reasoning behind correct and incorrect answers.

Consider using study apps that offer SAT practice questions. These apps can be a convenient way for your teen to practice on the go and can make studying more engaging.

Preparing for the SAT is a significant undertaking, but with the right strategies and support, parents can help their teens navigate this challenge. By understanding the test format, developing effective study techniques, seeking professional help if needed, and practicing with real test questions, you can ensure your teen is well-prepared and confident on test day. Remember, your support and encouragement are crucial throughout this process.


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