Now that summer is approaching, it’s the perfect time to get out more and have a little fun with your husband or wife. Having regular dates with your spouse won’t only keep things fun, it’ll also deepen your relationship. After all, when we become parents, we often neglect the marital relationship when we should work even harder to make it a priority.
Are you working with a tight budget? Dates don’t always have to put a dent in your bank account. Here are some favorite cheap summer date ideas you and your hubby (or wife) are going to love.

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Summer Date Ideas on the Cheap
1. Go for a picnic.
You can’t get much cheaper than a picnic, but it’s such a romantic date idea! Pack some of your favorite foods into a pretty picnic basket, find a blanket, and head out to enjoy some sunshine together.
Picnics are a great summer date idea because they don’t require much planning and they can be as simple or as elaborate as you want them to be. You can pack food, drinks, blankets, games, and activities for kids, if you have any. The best part is that it should be pretty easy to find picnic spots near your home or office. Wouldn’t meeting up for a lunchtime picnic when you’re both at work be a lot of fun?
P.S. Our light three bean salad is a great picnic recipe.
2. Go out for frozen yogurt or ice cream.
Nothing relieves the heat of summer like the cool sweetness of ice cream or frozen yogurt. And because you’re not going out for an expensive dinner, your wallet won’t suffer. After you get your ice cream, take a walk together while you enjoy your cool treat.
Every summer, my husband and I make a date night out of going for ice cream. It’s such a simple thing to do, but we always have so much fun! We usually go to our favorite place and sit outside on the patio. The weather is perfect in the evening air with just enough breeze to keep us cool as we enjoy our sweet treats.
3. Go to the drive-in theater.
I’m not sure about your area, but here, the seasonal drive-in theater is so much cheaper than going to the indoor theaters. On Sundays, it’s only $12 per carload of people, so find another couple and do a double date together. Fun and cheap–and you can bring your own snacks without stuffing them under your clothes. 😉
Sitting in the car on a summer night and watching an old movie is one of my favorite date nights. It’s like being transported back to when I was a little girl, except now I get to cuddle with my husband instead of my stuffed animal! Bring blankets in case it gets a little chilly.
4. Visit your state or national parks.
Enjoying nature together can be extremely relaxing. Many of the national and state parks have areas for fishing, hiking, swimming, and other activities. Best of all, many offer free or very cheap admission. Go take in the scenery and get some exercise together.
You don’t need any fancy date night tickets or reservations to head out with your significant other – just a car full of snacks and plenty of sunscreen.
Find a national park near you.
5. Do a late-night BBQ after the kids go to bed.
You don’t even have to leave your house for a fun date. Put the kids to bed early, step out on your deck or patio, and fire up the grill. What’s more romantic than a candlelit dinner on a breezy summer night?
6. Act like kids again.
Remember how good it felt to just be outdoors having fun? Forget the yard work and house maintenance. Head to a local park to swing, feed ducks, play frisbee or go for a walk. You’ll have a blast — promise! Many parks also host outdoor concerts during the summer, so that can be a terrific option, too.
7. Enjoy a TV or Movie Marathon.
There’s nothing like a relaxing night on the sofa with a big bowl of popcorn and a few hours of your favorite show. If movies are more your speed, go with that! We like to buy the movie-sized boxes of our favorite candies at Walmart or Dollar Tree. For $1 a box, it’s so much more affordable than the theaters!
8. Act like tourists in your own town.
How many places have you wanted to visit but have never gotten around to? Try that restaurant you’ve been hearing so much about. Window shop at a few local boutiques. Visit the farmer’s market. Explore a part of your town that you’ve never spent time in before. Really take in the sights in your town, especially if you can find some fun, free activities to try together.
9. Go beachin’.
During the summer, there’s nothing like being near the water, so why not head to the beach? Just pack a bag for the entire day and lay out in the sun and splash around the water. Don’t forget to bring water and some snacks as well.
And I know what some of you may be thinking… “I don’t live near the beach!” Well, neither do we. But we have loads of fun at our local lakes or rivers. Take some fishing poles, rent a boat or try your hand at canoeing or kayaking.
10. Stare at the stars.
Stargazing with the one you love is the best. It’s so romantic. Pick your favorite spot in your yard or at a local park, put down a blanket and cuddle up to each other. It’s nice if one of you can point out some constellations, but if you can’t, just enjoy the snuggling and conversation.
For even more date ideas, check out these cheap spring date ideas!
What are your favorite cheap summer date ideas?
Let us know in the comments!
5 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Husband - Glue Sticks and Gumdrops
Friday 1st of July 2016
[…] 5 Cheap Summer Date Ideas for Married Couples […]
Kristen from Practical Mommy
Friday 8th of May 2015
I'm not sure there is a drive in near us, but that sounds like an awesome date! I'm going to have my husband look into that :)
Monday 20th of July 2015
My brothers and I did a back yard movie night with a projector and after we went to bed my parents were like nope we want to use it! So you could try that!
Monday 20th of April 2015
This is a GREAT idea! My 3rd daughter is due in August, and our oldest two girls are 4 & 5 years old... I would like to surprise my husband with a few dates before the baby-craze kicks in all over again. April is almost over... May is coming up, why wait until summer?! Thanks!