Now that summer is approaching, it’s the perfect time to get out more and have a little fun with your husband or wife. Having regular dates with your spouse won’t only keep things fun, it’ll also deepen your relationship. After all, when we become parents, we often neglect the marital relationship when we should work even …
Building a Happy Marriage
As women, we always complain that our husbands never tell us they love us often enough. While you may tell your husband you love him on a regular basis, how often do you show him you care? Men are so different in how they interpret love. Thankfully, there are many simple ways to love your …
My husband and I were ecstatic when we were finally pregnant with our son. We had tried for a couple of years, suffered a miscarriage and were constantly worried during the pregnancy. After a week in the hospital, our baby boy was ready to bring home, and we couldn’t have been happier. We received lots …
Nearly all couples argue — at least all the ones that I know do. My husband and I have certainly had our fair share of tiffs, and we didn’t always deal with them in the healthiest way possible. We’d sometimes raise our voices, totally shut down communication and, sadly, say things that we’d later come …
It’s finally starting to get warm again, and I could not be more excited. There are so many great date options in the spring. Don’t get me wrong, winter dates can be very romantic. But there’s just something about fresh (warm!) air that guarantees a fun time. So, in my excitement, I’ve made a list …
Marriage is hard work. Anyone who has ever been married will tell you the same, especially after they’ve been married for more than a couple of years (end of the honeymoon phase, you know). That doesn’t mean that it always has to feel like hard work, though. When husband and wife encourage one another, a …
I have been an ungrateful wife. That’s not an easy thing to say, but there it is. In our house, tensions have been high, and when we sat down to talk through a few things, I placed the blame almost entirely on him. Did I concede that I had faults of my own? Sort of–with …
Do you nag your spouse too much? Most of us do it occasionally. Sometimes we do it out of love or concern. “You shouldn’t stay up so late. You know it makes you irritable.” Often, though, we do it because we’re unappreciative. “Did you really forget the carrots at the grocery store? They were on …
Communicating and spending time together is important for married couples, especially when you have kids. It’s not easy when the two of you are on different shifts.