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Adorable Popsicle Stick Reindeer Ornament for Kids to Make

With the Christmas season upon us, it’s time to make some cute homemade things to decorate the tree — like this popsicle stick reindeer ornament! This DIY ornament will make an adorable addition to your Christmas tree this year.

You can also make them to attach to gifts or for the kids to give as gifts to their grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Those special touches make your gifts even more meaningful. It’ll give the recipients something to hang on their own trees each year, too.

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s grab those craft supplies and start making some reindeer ornaments right now.

Rudolph and Clarice reindeer ornaments arranged vertically

How to Make a Cute Popsicle Stick Reindeer Ornament with the Kids

I don’t know about you, but I love putting handmade ornaments from my kiddo on the tree. Forget about matching, color-coordinated ornaments. It’s the homemade ornaments that make me smile the most as I carefully hang them on the tree year after year.

That’s why I love making them with my kid. You may be interested in our DIY Grinch ornamentPopsicle Stick Snowman Ornaments, or our Sesame Street Ornaments if you’re looking for more ideas.

But back to the reindeer ornaments–seriously one of our favorite reindeer crafts ever. We also have a clothespin reindeer craft, reindeer juice pouches, and reindeer bookmarks!

Don’t feel stuck if you don’t have all the craft supplies on hand. You can either (1) buy them from Amazon, the Dollar Tree, etc. or (2) improvise and use what you’ve got! That’s what I usually do.

For instance, make the antlers out of construction paper or card stock if you don’t have pipe cleaners. Draw the eyes on yourself if you don’t have googly eyes. You get the idea. Just make these your own using whatever you have on hand.

Here’s what we use for this craft:

craft supplies to make a popsicle stick reindeer ornament

Supplies for the Popsicle Stick Reindeer Ornament:

  • Popsicle Sticks – Seven small ones and one large one were used for this craft, but the larger ones would work, too. You’ll just need fewer sticks.
  • Glue (hot glue will hold together better, but use school glue if crafting with younger kids)
  • Scissors
  • Googly Eyes – if you use self-adhesive googly eyes, we still recommend gluing them on so they’ll stay on year after year
  • Buttons
  • Small Jingle Bells – any color will do
  • Brown Paint – if you don’t have two different shades of brown, create a lighter shade by mixing some white paint in with some brown paint
  • White Paint Pen – whiteout will also work in a pinch
  • Brown Pipe Cleaners
  • Glitter tape
  • Red Cardstock – construction paper works well, too, but cardstock holds up better
  • Paintbrush
  • Twine or Ribbon

Instructions for DIY Reindeer Ornaments:

1. Arrange seven small popsicle sticks together. Cut down a large popsicle stick into two pieces and glue across the top and bottom. Allow the glue to dry completely before proceeding to the next steps. Feel free to use hot glue if you’re assisting your children. It will hold up better and dry faster.

popsicle sticks glued together

2. Turn the popsicle sticks over. Paint the front brown, and allow the paint to dry. Turn the popsicle sticks over and paint the back as well. Allow this to dry. You can use lighter and darker browns to make the ornaments look different or make them all the same color.

painted popsicle sticks

3. Cut a brown pipe cleaner in half. Bend one half into a V-shape. Glue the other two pieces to each side of the pipe cleaner that was bent in half. Glue the antlers to the back of the popsicle sticks. Refer to the collage below to see how this is done.

collage showing the steps to making reindeer antlers with pipe cleaners

4. Glue a buttons on the fronts for noses. If you’re creating a Rudolph and a Clarice, use red for Rudolph’s nose and black for Clarice’s nose. Glue on googly eyes.

googly eyes and buttons glued to the face of the reindeer ornaments

5. Glue glitter tape across the bottom of the popsicle sticks slightly wrapping around the back. Place a bell on a small piece of twine or ribbon and glue to the bottom of the popsicle sticks in the back. Finish gluing a piece of glitter tape across the back. Refer to the collage below to see how this is done.

collage demonstrating how to apply the glitter tape and bell to the reindeer

6. Cut a rectangle from red cardstock and cover it in red glitter tape. Cut out the shape of a bow. Glue the bow to one of the reindeer (optional). Use a white paint pen to add polka dots to the bow. Feel free to use a different color if you’d like.

reindeer ornament with red bow made out of cardstock

Glue twine or ribbon onto the back of the popsicle sticks for hanging on a tree. Ta’da! Your popsicle stick reindeer ornament is ready for hanging or giving to someone.  We recommend waiting a day or two before hanging or gifting them, though, just to give the glue ample time to set up.

twine glued to the back of the reindeer ornament for hanging

These are so cute and make awesome Christmas presents!

two completed popsicle stick reindeer ornaments

Are you going to make a popsicle stick reindeer ornament? If so, please tag us on Instagram at @gluesticksgumdrops to show them off. We’d love to see them!

Don’t forget to check out our post on reindeer treats! You’ll find loads of ideas for your holiday parties and family get-togethers this year.

More Easy Christmas Crafts for Kids:


  • I'm Donella, the voice, heart, and wit (sometimes) behind this blog. I homeschool my pre-teen son by day and moonlight as a blogger and freelance writer. I'm a Diet Pepsi aficionado with a bookshelf that's always overflowing. My two dogs—a German Shepherd and a Beagle—are my fluffy shadows. I love planning in my bullet journal almost as much as I love hoarding notebooks and pens. I may be an introvert who missed her calling as a desert hermit, but that just gives me more time to write, right?

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